The Brick Outdoor Fireplace...
MORE Than Bricks & Mortar!

The striking brick outdoor fireplace designs featured here are not your standard brick and mortar hearths . . . but rather beautifully handcrafted designs with intricate brickwork, accented with contrasting materials and a host of built-in amenities!

brick outdoor fireplace

brick outdoor fireplace

The  handsome  Rumford  fireplace pic-
tured at left was designed by architect Brian Stokes of Omaha,  Nebraska.    It features built-in brick storage areas for firewood,  as  well  as  a  large  mantel shelf  with  moulded  surround made of dimension stone.

The lovely brickwork in the fireplace design that follows extends to an out-
door kitchen with built-in barbecue.

brick outdoor fireplace

See More Outdoor Brick Fireplace Designs With Built-In Barbecues

The brick outdoor fireplace pictured below, left, features an arched firebox opening  with  a  mantel shelf and curved, raised hearth capped with con-
trasting tiles.   Pictured below, right, is a covered patio design with a light colored brick fireplace that sports a wood mantel shelf and brackets.

brick outdoor fireplace
brick outdoor fireplace

See More Covered Patio Designs For Fireplaces

brick outdoor fireplace

More Brick Outdoor Fireplaces

The  dark brick patio fireplace design pictured at right and below is flanked by  extended  walls  --  one of which slopes downward -- and built-in seat-
ing.  The mantel shelf and cap on the raised hearth are crafted from  sand-

brick outdoor fireplace

brick outdoor fireplace

Similarly, the design pictured at right and  below  features built-in seating. However,  in  this  example,  the ex-
tended walls flanking the firebox  are symmetrical in appearance and slope downward on both sides.  A stepped chimney design rises above the  fire-
box opening.

brick outdoor fireplace

The poolside fireplace that follows features stone accents for added archi-
tectural and visual interest. Wedge-shaped stones, called voussoirs, and a keystone frame the top of the arched firebox opening.

brick outdoor fireplace

And finally, the elaborate poolside brick fireplace surround pictured below is integrated with a finely crafted brick wall surrounding the pool area and features twin chimneys capped with clay chimney pots.  Once again, stone accents frame the arched firebox opening.

brick outdoor fireplace

Please check back often or subscribe to our  RSS feed,  as  we  fre- quently add new designs for outdoor fireplaces to our site.


brick outdoor fireplace

More Outdoor Brick Fireplaces -
Delectable Decorative Detailing!

brick outdoor fireplace

Brick Patio Designs For Fireplaces -
Brackets & Built-Ins!

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